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Authorized software

【Office 365】


NKUHT students can use your LiveMail email address to register and download the authorized software. 
Each student has 1T drive storage. (your LiveMail: student ID number@live.nkuht.edu.tw
If you are an international student, your password is your birthday (8 numbers, YYYYMMDD).

1. Microsoft authorized school staff and students(Windows & Office)
2. IBM SPSS Amos 21.0 (Campus network license version)
3. IBM SPSS Statistics Base 21(Campus network license version)
4. SPSS 14 Advanced Models (Campus network license version)
5. SPSS 14 Regression Models (Campus network license version)
6. SPSS Classification Trees 14 (Campus network license version)
7. SPSS Clementine 10.1(Campus network license version)
8. SPSS Amos 7.0 (Campus network license version)
9. ESET Endpoint Security 
10. PhotoImpact11
11. Adobe CS6 Design&Web Premium (130 sets)-only in H407&H408 
      computer classroom
12. PowerDirector 8 (120 sets)
13. PowerDirector 9 (120 sets)
14. CorelDRAW X5 (120 sets)
15. LISREL8.8 (40 sets)