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Borrow and Return Library Materials


Faculty & staff

Graduate Students


Loan Quota




Loan Period

6 weeks

4 weeks

4 weeks

Books Return

1. Circulation Desk

2. Book Return Box

*Please do not put the CDs into the Book  Return Box

*If you use the  Book  Return Box, please check your library account on the next day to make sure that your books are returned.


 If there is no appointment by others, you can renew items within one year after the original checkout date.


If the needed book is in the state of “borrowed”, you can make an appointment by themselves online.    

*Once the item is returned to the library, you will receive an email notification. 


For each overdue item, the fine is NT$5 per day. 

 *Those payable of up to NT$ 150 or more, you will not be able to borrow, renew or reserve library materials until all overdue items are returned and all fines are cleared.

Book Recalling

For overdue books (overdue the maturity date), the system will automatically send a notification email and will send a notification e-mail three days in advance before the due date (pre-informing notice).

* Reminder: Make sure that the E-mail recorded in the system is your commonly used E-mail, and please pay attention to your borrowing situation, in order to avoid fines for overdue items.

Books not for borrowing (Only for use within the library)

1. Periodicals & newspapers (including bound volumes of periodicals)

2. audio-visual collection

3. reference books

4. dissertations 

5. school teachers’ work

*If school teachers must borrow the audio-visual data and remove it from the library for teaching

needs or unit project activities, teacher should fill out the “Audio-visual Data Borrowing Application Form” and borrow the data with their own library card, at most 3 applications at any one time for three days. If the data to be borrowed is a new film of the year or a film recommended by the library, the borrowing period shall be for a maximum of three hours.


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